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Thanks for taking the time to check out our exciting new business: Manitoba's first tiny houseboat rental company. After nearly a year of hard work and preparation, we couldn't be more excited to finally be able to unveil our project to Manitobans. Before the release of our full commercial website and social media accounts, we wanted to connect with the local community and to be as open and transparent about who we are, what kind of experience we want to offer, as well as what our vision is for this three-year pilot project. 

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A brand new

Boating Experience


We want to offer our clients the opportunity to completely immerse themselves in nature by spending a few nights on the waters of the Winnipeg River. Here is exactly how we intend to do that:

We want to offer our clients the opportunity to completely immerse themselves in nature by spending a few nights on the waters of the Winnipeg River. Here is exactly how we intend to do that:


  • Our clients will arrive in Pinawa and park at the Sundial Parking lot, never more than two cars at once

  • Our staff will guide our clients to their floating accomodation piered to a reception dock between the Burger Boat and the boat launch. All passsengers will then be given a thorough safety briefing, an overview of evacuation procedures, and the rules of the park.

  • Our experienced captains will drive our clients nine kilometers into Whiteshell Provincial Park, and attach the houseboats in a scenic, well-sheltered mooring location close to the northern shore of the Winnipeg River.

  • Our clients will then be moored to their chosen location for the length of their stay, with the possibility of changing location at an extra cost. They will also be able to rent canoes and kayaks to explore the English River, as well as the endless number of islands along the northern shore.

  • Crew-members will check-up on our clients on a regular basis, to make sure that everything is going well, as well as provide pontoon shuttle service to and from different activities around Pinawa.

  • At the end of our client's stay, we will ferry them back to Pinawa's Marina, where we will clean and prepare our houseboats for their next client.


Notre Produit​


Pour en savoir plus sur le produit touristique que nore comagnie commencera à offrire en 2022, ainsi que pour jeter un premier coup d'oeil à nos bateaux-maison. 


Nous avons fait la synthése de toutes les questions que nous avons le plus recu au cour de l'élaboration de ce projet afin d'expliquer comment notre projet opérera sur la rivière Winnipeg.


If renting one of our tiny houseboats sounds like the perfect option for your next family vacation, then you should sign up to our newsletter. This way, you'll be among the first to know when our early bird booking begins. This newsletter will be our way of keeping in touch with all of you, as well as keeping you all informed of upcoming promotions and contests... But, I've already said too much ;)

Voyageur Houseboats tient à souligner que nous opérons sur le territoire visé par le traité #3 et que les terres sur lesquelles nous sommes font partie du territoire traditionnel des peuples Premières Nations et de la terre ancestrale de la nation Métis. Nous reconnaissons qu'avoir un tel privilège implique de grandes responsabilités, et nous nous engageons à traiter cette terre avec respect et déférence.


Comment nous contacter:


téléphone: 431-996-5280 (lundi-vendredi, 9am-5pm)


Vous pouvez aussi nous envoyer un message sur Facebook ou Instagram.

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© 2021 - by Voyageur Houseboats. Created using Ce site web a été créé avec le support du CDEM.

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